Thursday, September 4, 2014

What's a blog to a nonbeliever?

Writing down my thoughts in a public, concise manner has me feeling like a modern day Carrie Bradshaw, but the last thing that will motivate me to keep typing is feeling like I'm in an episode of Sex and the City. In order to feel like I'm producing something worth reading I may have to consider what's required of my fickle fingers.

Two posts a week is perfectly reasonable but how many of my thoughts will be screened before I am comfortable expressing them to the eyes of the world? How many edits, recitations, and revisions will each post endure before I finally deem them worthy of finally selecting the ever-daunting publish button? If I had a dollar, I would bet that this isn't the first time I've rewritten this post. 

(Do not take me up on this bet because you will owe me a dollar.)

I suppose now that I've gotten this initial thought out of the way I can commence my scheduled programming. 

Let the blogging begin.

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